So, you suspect that you may be infertile, but you don’t know for sure—so you and your partner have set up an appointment with a fertility doctor to get yourself checked out. A lot of questions are likely running through your head right now, and you don’t know where to begin. Fortunately, this article will help you decide just that. If you are looking to see if you need infertility treatment in Orlando, FL, here are the best questions for you to ask your fertility doctor on your first visit.
Can smoking, alcohol, or stress be what’s affecting my fertility?
We’re all told not to smoke or drink while pregnant, and we all understand that. But what you may not realize is that smoking or drinking BEFORE becoming pregnant actually can affect your pregnancy.
Numerous studies have shown over the years that, if there isn’t a certain amount of time between your last cigarette, drink, or even stress-induced anxiety attack when you try to become pregnant, your chances may drop. So if you’re prone to any of the these, you should clarify whether or not they’re the cause.
Could my job or that of my partner’s be attributing to the problem?
If the question of what is causing your infertility is leaning on stress, then work is the obvious first place you look to for that. Jobs are increasingly stressful these days—with low wages, long hours, difficult senior staff, etc. It’s entirely possible that the stress of you or your spouse’s job is affecting your ability to get pregnant.
Can you put me in touch with patients who have had similar treatments to the one you’re recommending?
A fertility doctor can determine what is wrong and how to fix it. Now there’s just one step left: dulling your nervousness about the procedure itself. A good way to do this is to get your doctor to put you in contact with other patients of theirs who have undergone the treatment that the doctor is now prescribing to you. They can help you better understand what you’re about to undergo and how best to prepare and deal with it. Sometimes it can be firsthand advice, or it could just be personal accounts of what they did before, during, and after treatment. One thing’s for certain, it will most certainly be helpful.