4 Cold-Weather Roof Maintenance Tips

by | Feb 18, 2019 | Roofing

Your home’s roof is a crucial part of its structure, and roofing issues will quickly spread to other areas. To keep the roof in top condition and avoid expensive repairs, you and your roofing contractor in Evanston IL will need to do some cold-weather maintenance. Below, you’ll find a few important tips to help your roof make it through another winter.

Preventing Ice Dams

Ice damming occurs when the gutters get clogged and the water freezes. The ice may damage the roof with time as well as keep snowmelt from running off the way it should. When the gutters are cleaned regularly and the attic is properly insulated and ventilated, you’ll reduce ice dams and associated damage.

Fixing Leaks

Are there leaks in the attic, or are shingles missing and damaged? One of the most important winter roof maintenance tasks is to find and repair leaks. A roofing contractor in Evanston IL will inspect the roof and underlayment for signs of damage and their repairs will keep water from getting into the home.

Checking the Flashing

Along with cracked and missing shingles, damaged roof flashing may also cause leaks. Flashing connects the roof’s surface to other parts, such as chimneys, skylights, vents, windows, and so forth. A contractor can inspect the flashing and replace it if necessary.

Looking for Sagging Spots

Look at the roof line. Are there bending and sagging spots? If they’re visible inside and outside the home, you’ll need a contractor’s help to assess the issue and determine the right solution. This should be addressed as quickly as possible, as the weight of ice and snow will make problems worse.

Get Ready for Cold Weather

While some can do their own roof maintenance, it’s not right for everyone. If you run into anything that’s difficult or dangerous, it’s best to call a roofing contractor in Evanston IL for help. Visit ShowalterRoofing.com to learn more or call Showalter Roofing Service to schedule an estimate.

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