Lower back pain is the most common disability around the world. The numbers of people who suffer from this discomfort continue to grow. There are many reasons why this is happening from increased waistlines to more and more people sitting at a desk all day. But regardless of the reason, everyone with Back Pain in Manhattan KS just wants the pain to stop.
Everyone is at risk for back pain and the damage it causes in the United States. It is the second largest reason people miss work and it costs Americans over $50 billion every year between lost work time, treatments and medications.
The most difficult aspect of this type of injury it that it can happen to anyone at any time. Not everyone hurts their back by lifting wrong, being in a car accident or taking part in extreme sports. It is not uncommon to hear patients describe how all they did turn around, or sit down or stand up, any number of seemingly harmless, everyday movements.
For decades doctors have attempted to treat chronic back pain with surgery and drugs. Neither have helped to improve the situation and, at times, have made the issue worse. There is good advice available for helping to avoid Back Pain in Manhattan KS, like quitting smoking, staying at a healthy weight and stretching before beginning any vigorous exercise. But there has historically been very little that would help to treat the problem causing the pain.
Focusing on just the pain itself is not enough. Ice packs, heating pads and drugs will reduce the discomfort a person is in, but it does nothing to prevent it from returning. This is where chiropractic care has been able to help.
With manipulation, the cause of the problem is targeted and addressed. It is a safe, natural way to keep the body healthy and feeling great. The same procedures which reduce and eliminate back pain, can also assist with improving circulation, reduce chronic headaches and so much more.
If you are tired of standing up in stages, leaving your pencil on the floor because it is too far away or just watching life pass you by because of the pain in your back, it is time to get help. Browse the Website of Sorell-Iversen Chiropractic Clinic and schedule a consultation. You can be free from pain and worry, without surgery or prescription medications. It is time for you to learn how. You can also follow them on Twitter.