Contested or Uncontested? Why You Want a Divorce Attorney in Silverdale WA to Help You

by | Jul 9, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

There are two main types of divorces that a divorce attorney in Silverdale WA will work with. These are contested or uncontested divorces, and it’s important to hire a lawyer for both kinds of divorces. These types of cases cover every other divorce case including those where one partner is at fault for the divorce, those that are ending amicably and those that are ending with an emotional fight over who gets what from the divorce. If you’re getting a divorce, you’re going to want to know which type of divorce you’re involved in so that you can know how long the process can take.

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce takes longer than an uncontested one because the separating couple does not agree on how everything should be split between them. Common reasons divorcing couples find themselves arguing are over the children’s custody and visitation, the marital assets, and even when one person wants the divorce and the other one doesn’t. A lawyer can help in these cases, as they can work with the other person’s lawyer to attempt to come to an agreement without having to go to court.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is one in which both people agree to how everything should be split and it is therefor much faster. These are typically cases where the couple is divorcing amicably and has time to talk about the separation at length. Even if both people agree on everything, however, it’s still important to hire a lawyer for help. The lawyer can write up any contract stating who gets what assets or child custody and visitation papers. The Divorce Attorney will also be valuable if one person changes their mind and the divorce becomes a contested divorce.

Whether you’re going through a contested divorce or an uncontested one, you’re going to want to make sure that you hire a divorce attorney in Silverdale WA for help. Your attorney can speed up the process by making sure all paperwork is done correctly and turned in on time, helping to make sure you get what you need from the divorce, and making sure that everything goes smoothly if you do have to go to court.

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