When to Hire a Business Litigation Attorney in San Diego

by | Jul 7, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

It is not rare for disputes to arise in the course of doing business. When this happens, most businessmen will try to use negotiations to resolve the problem. However, when this does not work, the next way to resolve the issue is through business litigation. To have an easy time settling business disputes, you need to hire a competent Business Litigation Attorney in San Diego. Here are some of the circumstances that could lead to the need for a business litigation lawyer.

When you have suspicions of fraud in the business

There are many ways in which fraud can occur in business. For instance, you may start having suspicions that one of your business partners is involved in fraudulent activities such as money laundering or receiving bribes in exchange for services. These cases are normally tricky because on one hand, keeping your mouth shut about the issue will eventually harm the business when the government officials catch up with the criminal and seize the business. Customers and employees could also be the source of fraudulent deals. As a business owner or manager, you have the right to sue a fraudulent customer or employee in a law court and get legal redress for the issue.

Infringement of intellectual property rights

In the business, patents are the main intellectual properties that are susceptible to theft. In case you suspect that a person or company is involved in activities that could be seen as copyright or patent infringement, you can sue them in a court of law and make sure that they are not illegally benefiting from your ideas. A good business lawyer will know how to put together a patent lawsuit and win.

Breach of fiduciary duty

If you are in a business partnership, situations could arise whereby one of the partners starts acting in ways that aren’t in good faith as far as the business is concerned. When this happens, the other partners have the right to sue the disloyal partner and recover what could have been lost in the process.

These are just some of the scenarios that attract the expertise of a Business Litigation Attorney in San Diego. To learn more about business law practices, get additional info here.

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