There are few things more uncomfortable than being stuck in a building with a failed air conditioner. Most modern buildings are designed to have some sort of cooling system and when that system fails the area can get very warm, very quickly. For instance, a convenience store relies on it’s cool atmosphere to keep both the customers happy and the products fresh. If the air conditioner fails then they take a heavy loss in ruined products and lost customers. Plus, the longer the AC is down the worse the problem becomes. The only real solution is to have the AC Contractors come out and repair the machine.
Air conditioners are an interesting technology that works on the principle of moving heat. When it’s time to install or replace a unit the AC contractors in Wichita, KS area will place a large condensing system outside the building. This condenser compresses a refrigerant and pumps it through a pipe to an evaporator coil located somewhere inside the home or business. The evaporator coil is typically located in an air exchange. As the refrigerant cycles through the coil it collects any residual heat around the coil. The process of heat collection chills the coil enough that the air passing through it can cool the building.
One of the most important things about owning an AC is routine maintenance. Performing regular maintenance helps the unit get ready for the strain of summertime use. This is important because most air conditioners get run twenty four hours a day during the summer and this puts a lot of strain on the mechanics of the system. Regular maintenance can also help reduce the summer utility bills. As the AC operates the refrigerant begins to break down and must be replenished. Charging the coolant is one of the tasks that are performed during regular maintenance. Another is cleaning the evaporator coil. In most appliances this coil is difficult to access so at least part of the coil doesn’t get cleaned properly. To ensure proper airflow the AC Contractors in Wichita will remove the coil and wash it in an acid bath. This procedure is usually done every few years depending on how bad the dirt is on the coil.
Contact AC Contractors.