If you are in an auto accident, your insurance company will make a determination of whether your car can be repaired and given back to you or if it has been totaled. If it is totaled they will pay you its current value and leave it up to you to dispose of the car. The best way to dispose of it is to call I55 Auto Salvage. The salvage company will pay you a percentage of its salvage value and tow the car away.
Auto Salvage in Bolingbrook is part of one of the largest industries in the U.S.A. When they take a car or truck in their technicians will go through it and remove any parts that they believe can be sold as individual parts. The part of the vehicle that has no re-sale value will be sold off as scrap metal. Scrap metal from salvage yards provide about 80% of the scrap metal that is used in making new cars. This is part of the reason that auto dismantling has become the 16th largest industry in America. It produces about 5 billion dollars every year. With more than 11 million vehicles dismantled every year the supplying of scrap metal is one of the industries best assets for the environment. Every piece of metal that is recycled is metal that doesn’t have to be processed from ore dug out of the ground.
The public is most aware of the Auto Salvage in Bolingbrook as a place where they can get used parts taken from scrapped vehicles. These salvage yards provide parts from a wide variety of vehicles. They can also supply turbo chargers and body kits much cheaper than dealerships can. One example would be that a new windshield might cost about $600 if bought new. By purchasing it from a salvage yard, that same windshield would cost only about 1/3 the price. Some people scoff at the backyard mechanic but they are the people that know how to repair and modify their vehicles by getting their parts from salvage yards.
You can earn some money by selling your broken vehicle to a salvage company. That company can earn money by dismantling that same vehicle and selling usable parts to willing buyers and then selling the rest for scrap metal. Talk about a win-win situation.