As we go about our daily business, we don’t usually give a lot of thought to whether we are safe when in a public facility because we assume that the property owners have done what they can to make sure that it is safe. Sometimes, however, accidents can still happen, and property owners generally take precautions to minimize the chances of them happening.
For example, if it is a snowy day, the property manager of a retail business has responsibility to make sure that their sidewalk is shoveled and that puddles on the store are dealt with promptly so that no one will slip and fall. If you have had an accident on someone else’s property and you feel that it was due to the neglect of the property owner, then it might be wise to consult with an Injury Lawyer Park Ridge as soon as possible. You don’t want to wait too long to seek advice from an attorney, because there are limits as to how long you have to file a suit if that’s what you choose to do.
If you do decide that you want to sue the property owner for damage that was caused, be sure to tell your Injury Lawyer Park Ridge everything you know about the accident. The smallest details could negate your claim, from not seeing a doctor right away to telling the store manager that you were fine right after the accident occurred. In addition to proving that you were injured, you will also have to prove that the injury was caused because of a problem that the property owner did not take proper precautions to correct. If you slip and fall because your shoes were wet from the snow, that may not be anyone’s fault, but if a wobbly shelf falls on you and it looks like something that has been in disrepair for some time, then your accident probably happened because of someone’s neglect.
At Therman Law Offices Park Ridge, they believe that negligent property owners need to be held responsible for the mishaps that are caused by their carelessness or indifference, and they will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.