Reasons Why You Need an Accident Attorney

by | May 9, 2014 | Lawyers

Getting involved in an auto crash in Brooklyn, NY can be a very nerve wrecking experience especially if the other driver is the one responsible for the crash. If you are ever involved in a car accident and you strongly believe that the other driver was the one at fault, then you have every right to sue and seek for compensation. But this is where a majority of the people go wrong. A lot of crash victims end up getting under compensated because they decided to handle the whole process all alone. A good accident attorney in Brooklyn, NY will come in handy in such cases and he will offer you with loads of benefits. Here is why you need one when you are involved in a car crash.

Police Report

It is a legal requirement that all motor accidents be reported to the police. For instance, if you have a car crash in Brooklyn, NY, you have to report the incident to the New York Police Department. The police report on the accident will be very crucial in determining if you will be compensated or not. You therefore need a competent accident attorney in Brooklyn, NY to ensure that the report is explicitly accurate and it should not have any misrepresentation which might jeopardize your chances of getting the right compensation out of the accident.

Deal with attorneys of the insurance company

If you are to get any compensation, then it will come from the insurance company of the offender’s car. These insurance companies normally have teams of attorney and in most cases they will try to argue their case so that the company does not pay so much compensation to the victims. Having your own attorney to argue out your case so that the insurance company pays you the right amount of compensation will be very ideal.

Legal representations in court

Another benefit of having an accident attorney in Brooklyn, NY is that if your case proceeds to the law courts for a trial, then you will have a legal representative. It can be a very daunting task to have no representation and still be able to get a good compensation from the insurance company. But with your own attorney, your case will be well presented before the presiding judge and all of you interests will be protected against any violation.

Not only the offended in an auto crash require an attorney. If you are the one on the wrong, you also need an attorney to provide you with the legal advice throughout the whole process. Therefore an accident attorney is important both for the offended and the accused.

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