Damage to your teeth can occur in a variety of different ways and can cause you to lose your tooth entirely. If you have a cracked, broken or even a knocked out tooth, it is important to know how the Dentist in Birmingham can treat your injury and restore the health and stability of your tooth. This information will prepare you, should you ever experience damage and need to see a dentist for treatment.
Common Types of Tooth Damage and How They are Treated
* Cracks are one of the most common forms of damage your tooth will suffer from. These can occur because of grinding your teeth or a weakened tooth structure. When you experience cracks in your tooth, these can often be filled with a special dental resin. This resin seals off the cracks and makes your tooth stronger and less likely to become damaged again. The sooner you see the Dentist in Birmingham, the more likely he or she will be able to repair the crack before further damage occurs.
* When your tooth is broken and a piece has been broken off, there is not much that can be done to secure the piece back on. The dentist will most likely shape the tooth and remove the sharp edges. If any of the inner portion of your tooth is exposed, the tooth can be filled, so you do not experience pain. If too much of your tooth is missing, the tooth can be capped with a protective crown, so you do not lose function and experience any more damage.
* In the event your tooth is knocked out, there is still hope for repair. You will need to get to the dentist as soon as possible and bring the tooth with you in a cup of cool water or milk. Often, the dentist can re-seat the tooth and allow your gum tissue to heal, so it will hold the tooth in place again. This often requires sutures and taking care not to cause further damage during the healing process.
If your tooth has suffered damage, Visit website and find out your options for treatment. Contact them today and allow them to repair your tooth, so the health of your smile is not compromised.