How Your Family Dentist Edmonton Will Treat Tooth Decay

by | Mar 18, 2014 | Dental Care

With advancements in technology, there have been opportunities created for scientists to figure out the causes of many diseases. Dentistry has made significant strides when it comes to figuring out the many reasons for tooth decay. Your local Family Dentist Deforest WI states that the main cause of this disease has always been the demineralization of tooth enamel. It is due to the impact of acids formed during the life of microorganisms present in the mouth.

Of course, the development of caries is influenced by many other factors. These include diet, oral micro-flora, immunity strength, quality of saliva (its viscosity, pH level, number), and so forth. To date, there are more than 400 theories concerning cavities. But one thing is sure and that is that tooth decay is caused by carious microorganisms. In the presence of a favorable environment, they multiply and produce ammonia. It is under this influence that the destruction of the enamel starts.

Main factors

Carious microorganisms, like certain Streptococci and Actinomyces species, are present in tooth decaying situations. The livelihoods of these bacteria occur with different activity in people with different levels of immunity. Statistics show that the presence of chronic diseases leave people with fatigue, which means the body is open to other issues. These range from frequent colds to general weakening of the body, which allows plaque to form much faster.

Plaque can form just a few hours after your brush. If for some reason you do not brush your teeth, a layer of bacteria will begin to multiply. Of course, if after 2-3 days you have performed thorough cleaning using abrasive toothpastes, plaque tends to come off easily. If, for any reason, the plaque is not removed, over time, it accumulates due to its structure. This leads to the formation of tartar.

Secondary factor

In addition to microorganisms and plaque, there are several factors contributing to the development of cavities. These primarily include the quantity and quality of saliva. In case of insufficient saliva production, your body cannot naturally cleanse the enamel. Due to this, the walls of dental plaque accumulate. Also, great importance is given to the acid-base balance in the saliva. For more information about tooth decay, contact your local Family Dentist Edmonton today.

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