How to Find the Right Snow Tires for Your Car

by | Mar 3, 2014 | Automotive, Tires

If you live in an area that gets a great deal of winter precipitation, you may want to consider having a different set of tires for your vehicle than what you would drive during the spring, summer and fall months. The reason for this is that in order to maximize your safety while driving in adverse winter conditions, having the right traction is going to be important. That’s why people who live in the Greenbush, Albany or Schenectady area of New York will often try to find the right snow tires for their vehicles.

Many people think that all weather tires like what you’ll find at Grand Premier Tires will be fine for winter weather. If you only experience a small amount of winter weather throughout the year, then all weather tires will do just fine. However, if you experience frequent winter precipitation or you experience a lot of winter precipitation, all weather tires may not be the type of tires you want when driving through this precipitation.

When looking for snow tires, the difference between snow tires and all weather tires is that snow tires have specific tread that is designed to give you better traction on a road that is covered with snow or ice. In addition, unlike all weather tires, the tread is designed in such a way as to not allow the snow to pack into the tread and reduce the amount of traction your tires get on the road. The problem with all weather tires is that while their tread is excellent for channeling water through and off the tire, snow can get tightly packed within the tread and give your tire virtually no grip when you’re driving on a snow-covered road or an icy road.

You can also choose tires that have metal studs within the tread. Unfortunately, these metal studs, while offering a great deal of traction in ice and snow can damage roads and many states don’t permit them. The same can go for tires chains.

The bottom line is the first thing you want to do is find the right size of snow tire. Secondly, you want to do some research as to which snow tires are highly rated in winter driving conditions. This may seem rather simple, but it’s the perfect way to find the right snow tires for your vehicle.

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