Grills and barbecues are very inviting spaces for bees to locate a hive. If apartment dwellers have been gone for a few weeks, they might be surprised to return to a barbecue on the patio that is humming or buzzing. If they notice a few bees flying in and out of the barbecue, they should resist the urge to lift the cover. This could result in many bee stings. They should instead call a bee removal in Manhattan expert to deal with the situation.
The first thing they will do is determine if the buzzing is caused by friendly honey bees or the more dangerous Africanized bees. The latter can attack people and pets and have to be destroyed. Homeowners should not ever attempt to do this with spray cans of insecticide that they buy at the hardware store. They don’t work fast enough to prevent the person from being badly stung. If the hive consists of honey bees, BUSINESS NAME will contact a local bee keepers and ask if they want to expand their hives. Urban beekeeping is a growing interest and usually there is an interested beekeeper. The hive will be smoked first to make the bees sleepy and then they will be transported to their new location.
Bee Removal in Manhattan is more challenging when the bees have decided to live in the walls. It’s very disconcerting when the walls start to buzz. An exterminator may have have to cut holes in the wall to remove the the bees. They will still try to save and relocate a honey bee hive because those are so important to our environment. Once the bees have been removed, the exterminator will have to sterilize the area and remove any bee pollen left behind. This sweet treat could continue to attract other pests such as rats.
Residents should not attempt to kill bees in their walls. Even if they did kill them all, they would still be left with a decaying hive and pee pollen. It’s also important to assess any damage to wiring within the wall. If they hive surrounded wires, they will usually have to be replaced.