One of the most popular vacation activities in Missouri is river floating. Missouri has many beautiful rivers, and every summer, people flock to the region to float, or go tubing, on the rivers. River floating is a great activity for people of all ages, and all physical capabilities. The main requirement is that participants know how to swim.
River floating is an outdoor sport where people ride inner tubes or inflated disks down a river. Enthusiasts plan trips from three hours to as long as a week. Tubes are launched in the river, and people get on and start floating. Free-floating river tubing involves people drifting down the river with the current. There are also companies that tow rafts down the river. Rafts are usually reserved for larger groups. Missouri has many suppliers and resorts that help floaters with supplies or a place to sleep. Contact Huzzah Valley Resort for Lodging in Steelville, MO. Steelville is a small town located in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. It is also the site where three rivers, the Huzzah, Meramec and Courtois, come together. In fact, Steelville is known as the “floating capital of Missouri.”
Plan out the floating trip to really enjoy the river. A river access point must be selected for drop-off and launching the tube. Likewise, floaters need a pick-up point when the trip is over. Make sure the current is slow enough for floaters to get in and out of the water. Bring proper supplies, including life vests, swimsuits, sunscreen, cell phone, plenty of water and bug spray. Waterproof containers are a must for food and drinks. Floaters will also need a dry change of clothes. Floating veterans advise people to leave the expensive items at home because tubes do tip over. Consequently, sunglasses and watches often get lost. Some people like to stop and spend the night at various places offering Lodging in Steelville, MO. Others prefer bringing tents and camping for the night. Officials warn floaters to keep drinking to a minimum. Drinking often leads to carelessness, and accidents may happen. It is also important to leave the Missouri waters as clear and pristine as you found them.