Dentists in Appleton WI Can Fit You With Dentures Today!

by | Jan 28, 2014 | Dental Care

Dentures are often thought of as something that only old people have but in the past when dental hygiene was a priority, dentures were actually extremely common. In fact, George Washington was said to have worn dentures and that they were made out of all kinds of materials including real human teeth and even wood.Dentures have certainly come a long way since George Washington wore them.

The dentures we have today are probably much better than the ones your grandparents had, as the new materials in Appleton WI Dentures has made it possible to make dentures that look and feel more natural than ever before.If you have decided on getting fit for dentures, remember that just because you have had your teeth removed does not mean that you can completely neglect your oral health. Your dentures will still need a bit of care to keep them clean and working for you properly and you will need occasional visits to your dentist to make adjustments as the gums shrink.Oral care will still remain important as well because germs and plaque will still form in the mouth. And keep in mind that since your gums remain even after teeth are removed, gum disease is still possible.

Recent studies have shown that gum disease is much more than an inconvenience and it can contribute to afflictions such as arthritis and heart disease. If you have dentures that are causing you any problems you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. In Appleton WI Dentures will often be worn before the gum tissue is fully healed. Over time the gums will shift and shrink and it may cause your dentures to rub or just feel like they don’t fit properly.

It is understandable that dentures are not always the ideal solution but in some cases there is no other choice. With the technology of today, dentists can make dentures that are much more attractive than they used to be. If you have questions or concerns, the professionals at Barnes & Associates Dentistry SC Appleton WI will help you understand your options and work with you to find a solution that fits your budget and lifestyle.

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