If you are struggling to spend time with your children after your divorce, it may be time to handle things a little differently than before. Maybe you don’t realize that it is your legal right to be able to spend time with your children. Unfortunately, when we go through a divorce, we are also fighting with a former spouse who is going to work hard to make our lives miserable. Because of this, we need a Family Court Attorney in Brookhaven working for us.
The Law Office of Mitchell M. Shapiro knows what needs to be done to make sure that you are able to spend more time with your children. Of course, if you are not a good influence on your children, it isn’t very likely that you will be able to see them on a regular basis. Every situation is going to be a little different and this is why you need someone by your side every step of the way. Your Family Court Attorney in Brookhaven is going to work hard to make sure that you get to see your children not only right away, but also on a regular basis. Your attorney will help you to set up visitation with your former spouse. This way, there is no question as to whether or not you will see your kids.
Usually, the visitation rules are every other weekend, every other holiday, and one evening during the week. If this isn’t happening and you are keeping yourself out of trouble, it is time to take back your parental rights. Before you contact your former spouse trying to convince them to see things your way, set up an appointment with your Family Court Attorney in Brookhaven. This way, you will be able to come in for a free consultation appointment. It will help you to understand more about your case and what needs to happen to help you to get through this. Do your best to be a good parent to your children. If your former spouse is trying to get in the way of that, stand up for yourself and hire a lawyer.