When it comes to taking care of your health care needs, one of the things you need to consider is the handling of your dental care. Dental care for you, your kids or other loved ones should be a top priority among health care concerns. Dental Corner is a Wichita Family Dentist who meets the dental needs for the entire family. It always seem like an emergency need comes up when the dentist is closed, or it is the weekend, or a holiday. Dental Corner wants to tell you about how to handle a dental emergency should one arise.
Dental Corner will meet your dental emergencies and other needs in Wichita, Kansas and the surrounding areas. They always welcome new patients and work with their patients on financing. They do everything from routine visits to fillings and other dental needs. For a Wichita Family Dentist, contact them at their location or visit their website.
For toothaches, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water. Floss gently to remove any food particles lodged near the affected tooth. Never use any pain killers or aspirin on the gums because they can burn the gum tissue. For broken teeth, cleanse your mouth with a warm water rinse and then apply a cold compress to minimize swelling. If you have a tooth that has been knocked out, rinse the tooth thoroughly, ensuring that you place a towel or other cloth in the sink to prevent the accidental loss of the tooth down the drain. If you can place the tooth back into the socket, do so gently. If this is not doable, place the tooth in a small container or maybe a cup of milk in order to keep it protected as you take it to the dentist. Sometimes you may have something caught between the teeth. Try inserting a piece of dental floss or flosser. Ensure that you do not cut the gum tissue. Lastly, if you have bitten your tongue or lip, wipe the area clean with a cloth, gently. Apply a cold compress to area to minimize the swelling. If the bleeding persists, go immediately to an emergency room nearby.
For more information visit us website.