What Is HVAC And Do I Need It?

by | Nov 16, 2013 | Heating and Air Conditioning

HVAC is one of our more easily understandable acronyms since it stands for Heating, Ventilation (and) Air Conditioning. This means that we have the air in our homes, offices, shops, etc conditioned (much as we would have our car detailed). Conditioning can:-

  • make the air hotter or cooler;
  • it can add or remove moisture from the air;
  • it can clean the air by removing bugs, bacteria, micro-organisms and dust or other particles; for both domestic use and for hospital or high tech industrial clean rooms;
  • it can even add scents and essential oils to the air.

All of this is air conditioning in the basic sense of the phrase. However, to the layman, an “aircon” or AC (Air Conditioner) is a machine that lowers the temperature in a room or other enclosed space – so how does the “H” for heating get into the picture?

Heat = Fire

Our kind evolved trough fire, would our ancestors huddled in their caves during an ice age have survived if they had not known fire? I doubt it. Ever since those ancient times, mankind has had a love of and fascination with fire. It features in our traditions; we sing songs about it and make it a center piece for many social gatherings.

Can you imagine sitting around something that looks like an AC while singing folk songs and trying to toast marshmallows? Even today, many people feel that their home in winter is incomplete if it does not have a fireplace. But, the trend is to keep the “log fire” for the special room and special occasions while heating the rest of the house by means of radiators, hot air ducts, etc – none of which have a visible flame but they do condition the air temperature within the room and can be classified under the HVAC umbrella.

Yes You Do Need It

Let’s say you live in a place that is quite hot in summer and fairly cold in winter – somewhere much like Greenwich in Connecticut for example. In that type of climate, you will definitely be more comfortable if you utilise the services of a good contractor and install a system for HVAC In Greenwich CT that cools your summers and heats your winters.

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