Why You Need a Lawyer in Hartford for Your Child Custody Case

by | Nov 14, 2013 | Lawyers

As any expert will tell you, when you go to get a divorce, you need to try to remain civil for the sake of any children produced during the marriage. Many, as a result of this, wonder if they should hire an attorney for their custody case. Heading to court without a Lawyer in Hartford may seem like a smart move as your former spouse could take this as a sign you want to remain friendly, but it isn’t in most cases. You need to have legal representation to ensure your rights are protected.

When you hire a Lawyer in Hartford to represent you during a child custody case, you won’t have to worry about learning the laws that apply in your state. Each state has different laws in this area and the attorney is familiar with not only these laws, but also any guidelines used by a judge in deciding the case. This includes guidelines concerning physical custody of the child, child support and more. It never hurts to do some research on these laws and guidelines so you are familiar with them, but the attorney has more in depth knowledge, knowledge you can’t easily obtain without spending months or years to do so.

Another benefit of having an attorney representing you in your child custody case is they understand how and when certain paperwork must be filed. You don’t want to lose your suit just because you missed a filing deadline or find it is delayed for an extended period of time. Children need to have consistency and stability. They don’t need to live with not knowing what will happen next and missing or forgotten paperwork can lead to delays, instability and uncertainty on the part of the child. Don’t let this happen to your kids. Your attorney will ensure it doesn’t.

A custody case is like any other legal case. It has long term repercussions, yet sadly many parents seem to forget these repercussions affect not only them, but their children also. An attorney can help you to navigate the legal process and get the case resolved in the shortest period of time. In addition, he or she may be able to make recommendations to ease the process and reduce hard feelings between you and the other parent. Seek legal representation during a custody case as doing so benefits all parties involved. To know more visit us website

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