The passion for cigars requires, among other things, the purchase of a humidor. Many people who are passionate about smoking are wondering, however, which model is the most suitable for their needs, mainly because of the wide range of prices available on the market. Apparently, aside from exterior finishes, all humidors look the same inside, being made of the same material (Spanish cedar) and containing the same features, among which some of the most important ones are the humidifier itself and the hygrometer. For all these reasons, those who want to buy a humidor are somewhat confused.
The choice must start from the goal of the smoker. If you want to store your cigars after you have bought them for only a short time so they do not deteriorate until you smoke them, you can use a cheaper cigar humidifier. In addition to this, if you want to save even more money you might also want to use plastic bags or sealed boxes for this purpose. On the other hand, if you are looking to store your cigars for entire years, you should undoubtedly look for a quality humidor.
Normally, the item must be sealed with cedar on the outside, as well as a layer of varnish. Their absence might lead to humidity leaks and instability that could seriously compromise the quality of the cigar. This, however, depends on the external conditions. If you want to obtain the best performance from your cigar humidifier, ensure that you supply it with water regularly. In addition to this, if Spanish cedar wood is the main material used, lack of optimal humidity will never be a problem.
A premium cigar should be kept for at least 2-3 months before you will be able to enjoy it properly. Therefore, quality humidifiers are a must if your intention is to store cigars of the top brands. You must also periodically check the parameters of the humidor and ensure they are normal, according to the instructions given to you when you purchase the item. Changes to these parameters can be made simply by increasing the humidity with a water supply. After about 1-2 weeks, any humidor can be fully loaded with cigars. However, it is recommended that you do not overload it, and you char it gradually.
Because of the ventilation, introduction of new cigars, and losses of humidity, it is necessary to fill the humidor regularly. This can be done with the use of distilled water or a special liquid that can be purchased from specialized stores.