Shamanism has ancient roots in the divination and healing practices of many cultures and countries. Altering states of consciousness, healing illnesses of the body using the healing powerof spirit allies, and mediating between the after life and the world of the living have been some of the most persistent spiritual practices throughout the ages. Shamanism has existed for thousands of years, and countless individuals from around the world have chosen to take this spiritual path. This has continued into the 21st century with many people, ranging from those with heightened senses to those simply with an interest in personal development, seek what shamanism can offer. The reasons for seeking this training varies from personal growth to a desire to help and heal others. Those who wish to pursue a life of shamanism and working with healing spirits should consider Shamanic Practitioner Training from an established institution. This training can simply be taking courses, or even pursuing a higher degree.
The Shamanic Practitioner Training at LightSong School includes options for degrees in both Masters and ShD (Doctor in Shamanic Studies), along with open courses designed to provide wisdom and the skills needed to become a practicing shaman. Course offerings at the Oregon-based LightSong include classes in, basic skills, ascension, reiki, soul retrieval, and healing through sound. These courses also include considerations for the modern shaman, and what it means to be a spiritual healer in the new millennium. Practitioner training is designed to nourish the personal spirit as well as to teach people how to use their abilities to assist their communities. Upon completing Shamanic Practitioner Training, a person is considered qualified to go out in the community and treat client.
Shamanic courses aren’t necessarily for only those who are interested in pursuing this as a lifelong journey, and are open to all who are interested in learning the ancient ways of healing. Training often draws people to pursue more studies, but even if it is not everyone’s destiny, it is an enriching experience for all who try.
Find the best education and training in shamanism and shamanic healing at LightSong School of Shamanic Studies.