Is Adenoids Surgery Always Necessary?

by | Jul 3, 2012 | Uncategorized

Adenoid sufferers find it difficult to breathe because of breathing passages that have been partially blocked by enlarged adenoids. Many other symptoms occur as well, such as excess mucus, headaches, grogginess, loss of concentration, and lack of energy. One of the most common treatments is adenoids surgery, during which adenoids are removed, but unfortunately, many sufferers find this to be only a temporary relief. Adenoids eventually grow back, and the symptoms return with a vengeance.

Children usually develop painful symptoms and are often more likely to undergo adenoids surgery even though some research suggests that children are often just as likely to improve on their own without surgery. In some cases, however, the inflamed and infection development of enlarged lymph tissues in the pharynx become sources of extreme discomfort, and adenoids surgery is performed more or less as a means to immediately alleviate suffering.

Other methods for treating adenoids seem to work for various people. Gargling saltwater, drinking ginger and honey, or using anti-inflammatory herbs to decrease swelling and suffering have proven to some people to be an effective way to alleviate symptoms.

Drinking a lot of water also is recommended, as well as using other means towards developing one’s own personal optimal health. Potato chips and foods containing too much sugar, trans fats and other unhealthy chemicals impact the immune system negatively, which affects its ability to fight off infection. So eating well and using herbs and foods that strengthen the immune system is a good first step towards dealing effectively with the problem.

Rather than merely addressing the symptoms, such as the presence of adenoids, by recourse to adenoids surgery, some holistic health practitioners believe that the real reason for cold-like symptoms, excess mucus, and the development of adenoids that results in difficulty breathing, stems from unhealthy breathing habits.

When children breathe through their mouths, for instance, or hyperventilate when excited, it may cause more strenuous use of the tissues in the pharynx that lead to irritation and infection. Learning how to breathe normally through the nose, and not to hyperventilate, is a route that many people find alleviates their symptoms permanently.

While adenoids surgery may be a temporary way of relieving symptoms for the moment, a longer-lasting solution may be found through learning breathing techniques that are less harsh on the lymph tissues and that supply the right amount of oxygen to all the tissues and organs in the body at an optimal level.

Children can learn how to normalize breathing, as well, and often benefit in numerous other ways through the discipline of learning new breathing methods for the sake of pursuing their optimal levels of health.

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