Dental Implants Arlington Heights might sound like a major procedure, but in fact they are done routinely now. With a dental implant, a patient doesn’t have to hide their smile to cover up a missing tooth. Having a new implant can make a difference in the kinds of foods that patients no longer have to avoid.
It takes up to six office visits to get dental implants Arlington Heights. The doctor needs to take x-rays and impressions of the teeth and bones. The patient will receive the titanium base for the implant on a subsequent visit. It then takes up to six months for the implant to fuse within the jaw bone. The patient wil return for several visits so the dentist can check their progress. Finally, the dentist attaches the artificial tooth to the implant.
For patients who are anxious and nervous about undergoing such a major procedure, dentists offer sedation dentistry. The dentist may have the patient take a tranquilizer pill or administer the tranquilizer through an IV. Patients remain conscious but sleepy. They are completely relaxed all throughout their visit. The nurse monitors the patients’s vital signs the entire time, and the patient is safe. If a patient is facing having several procedures, they could have all of them taken care of in one visit under sedation.
Sedation dentistry is available for any dental patient, though, and patients don’t have to be facing a major procedure to ask for it. Some patients have a very sensitive gag reflex. There are many people who are very afraid of visiting the dentist even for what would be considered a routine visit. They don’t go in for dental cleanings perhaps because at one time, a dental hygienist was not very gentle with them. Perhaps the dentist gave them bad news at the time about some work they needed done, and they’ve been too afraid to come in to take care of it. Some patients shake from head to toe even for an exam and a cleaning. It’s quite normal to be afraid, and the dentist wants to help patients through it. Visit the website, where you can read in detail about the kinds of services offered and about sedation dentistry.