Each year thousands of workers are hurt on the job while performing their daily duties. In many cases, the accident happens through no fault of their own and is the result of another person’s negligence or faulty or malfunctioning equipment. Most employers will admit to the injury and do what they can to help the employee get better as quickly as possible.
However, there are instances where there are no witnesses to the injury, or the company does not want to claim responsibility for the injury. This can result in lost wages as well as medical and therapy bills for the injured employee. Fighting with insurance companies and your employer is not something that you should have to hassle with while you are on the mend. Many insurance companies and big businesses speak in a language that is hard for people who have not been to law school to understand and can leave many people confused.
If you are unsure about paperwork, it is better not to sign it. Once you sign any legal documents, you could give up your rights and ability to fight for reimbursement for any bills accrued due to the injury. At this point, it could be in your best interest to speak with an attorney that is experienced with handling workers compensation claims. The attorney can help you build a case and fight for what is rightfully yours.
When should I contact a lawyer who handles Workers Compensation MN?
1.There were no witnesses to your accident.
2. Your employer refuses to acknowledge the accident.
3. Your employer refuses to pay medical bills resulting from the injury.
4. You are asked to sign paperwork that you do not understand.
5. Your injury was never reported to the Bureau of Workers Compensation.
6. Your employer refuses to pay you workers comp wages while you are on leave.
An attorney can help you best decide what your course of action should be. website is an experienced firm who has handled many workers compensation cases. They have years of experience and knowledge to help you get what is rightfully owed to you.