A Local roofer in Minneapolis like Twin City Roofing who also sells windows and siding products can help fortify your home and protect it against condensation. You may think it’s just a little bit of moisture, but moisture is an insidious invader that sneaks inside unnoticed at first. Later, probably much later, you’ll suddenly have a problem with not just condensation but also mold.
Before it develops into a mold problem, though, condensation can cause droplets of water to run down the window panes and onto wooden window sills, causing water stains. Enough droplets can run down past the window sill and damage wallpaper and plaster walls. You can call the Local roofer in Minneapolis to come out and check to see if you have leaking windows, but the problem may not be the windows at all.
Condensation forms when the air in the home is too humid. The vapor pressure inside the house can allow the humidity, or water in the air, to damage walls and ceilings, whether they are made of wood, cement, plaster, or sheet rock. What can allow all this moisture inside the home? If the windows are not loose, then it could be a faulty roof. The roof may look just fine from the street, but there may be small seams where water is getting through. It can get inside the attic insulation and freeze, and then later melt and slowly drip down inside the ceilings and walls. Of course, all this water in the air is mixing with water in the air from legitimate sources like showers, doing laundry, and cooking.
A roofing contractor can help you eliminate the outside moisture that causes condensation and humidity indoors by installing roof ventilating fans. If the windows are old, they can be replaced with insulated windows. On their own, homeowners can use a household dehumidifier or two. They can run their bathroom and kitchen ventilation fans and leave them running for awhile, even after leaving the room. They can open the damper for the furnace and the fireplace and open the attic ventilating louvers. Some of these solutions don’t even cost a thing.