A Pediatric Dentist in Phoenixville Can Help With Childhood Teeth Grinding

by | Sep 18, 2013 | Dental Care

Many children grind their teeth, which is also known as bruxism. This habit can do permanent damage to your child’s teeth. A visit to a pediatric dentist in Phoenixville can give you some suggestions on what to do about this problem.

There are a number of reasons why a child may grind their teeth including pain, stress, and improper alignment of teeth. A child who is teething or has an earache may grind their teeth as a way to relieve pain. Childhood stress can be caused by a number of factors. They could be nervous or anxious about a test or a big event coming up, an argument with a friend, sibling or parent, or a change in routine. All of this can lead to jaw clenching and teeth grinding at night, as a way to alleviate this stress. Improper alignment of the bottom and top teeth can also lead to bruxism. Finally, children who have a medical condition like cerebral palsy, who are hyperactive, or take certain medications may also be subject to night time teeth grinding.

If teeth grinding is a problem for your child, Pediatric Dentistry of Phoenixville can help. It is important to stop bruxism as it can cause damage to your child’s teeth. Possible damage to your child’s teeth can include chipped teeth, wearing down of the enamel, and temperature sensitivity. It can also cause earaches, headaches, jaw problems like TMJ, or severe facial pain.

The dentist will offer some steps to take to help your child stop grinding their teeth or clenching the jaw. If your child is experiencing stress, finding ways to relax before bed such as listening to comforting music, taking a warm bath or shower, and reading a book can help. The dentist may also need to fit your child with a mouth piece to wear to bed. The mouth piece is similar to those worn for sports and will protect the teeth from further damage. This mouthpiece may take some time to adjust to, but it is important for your child to wear it every night. When you notice that your child is grinding their teeth, taking them to the dentist quickly will help avoid damage to the teeth.

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