A computer is made up of many components, it may not look like it when you take the protective case off, but it is. When you look into the computer it appears that there is a board with other boards plugged into it, a drive, perhaps some memory, a CD drive, power supply and a bunch of wires. Each of these components is made up of hundreds of other small electronic components, so small that when they fail they cannot be detected by the human eye. The motherboard in particular rarely fails but when it does it needs to be looked at by those who do computer repair on Long Island. A motherboard can fry for a few different reasons; it could be a power surge, static electricity or a buildup of heat.
One of the main reasons a motherboard fails is because of static electricity. Most people do not understand that static electricity can build in the human body and be discharged into a piece of computer hardware. If the component that was touched was the motherboard then it can easily be shorted out and made completely useless. It is that lack of knowledge that causes many computer owners to have their Computer Repair On Long Island done by a professional who knows these things.
Another common reason for motherboard failure is when the computer is subjected to a power surge. If the computer is operational during a lightning storm, and it is not connected to the electrical power supply through a surge protector, it stands a good chance of damage, either to the power supply or the motherboard. In some cases, the power supply will be damaged by a surge in power but not enough for it to fail on the spot. The damage may have had an effect on the output wattage which over time; will fry the board.
Many computers are kept under the desk or in a small enclosed space; this allows a buildup of heat. When dust, lint and heat are brought together there is little room left for the components to stay cool, this is especially true if the computer has an undersized cooling fan for the components that are on-board. A video card that is used in a computer that does little more than word processing generates far less heat than the video card used by gamers.