First Steps When Considering LASIK Vision Correction Surgery

by | Aug 23, 2013 | Healthcare

LASIK vision correction surgery is one of many types of eye surgeries performed to correct vision problems.  Lasik can address vision issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, and is performed by reshaping the cornea to allow the light that enters the eye to be properly focused onto the retina.  The term “lasik” is, in fact, an acronym for the procedure, meaning laser in-situ keratomileusis.  Lasik is one of the most popular vision correction surgeries performed today, and can be explained simply to patients considering the procedure.

Advantages of LASIK
Approximately ninety percent of patients who choose LASIK vision correction surgery have success improving their vision.  There is little pain involved with LASIK, and there are no bandages or stitches involved.  Most patients find an improvement in their vision by the day following the procedure, with a large percentage of patients finding that they no longer need glasses or contact lenses after the surgery.

Potential Side Effects
Some patients experience slight pain or discomfort for 24 to 48 hours after their LASIK procedure.  This is typically not unbearable, and subsides within a few hours or days.  Other side effects reported are glare, seeing halos around images, dry eyes, difficulty seeing when driving at night, and fluctuations in vision.  These side effects are rare, and medical professionals typically consider the benefits of LASIK vision correction surgery to far outweigh the risks.

Preparing for the LASIK Procedure
When you begin to consider LASIK eye surgery, you will visit an eye doctor who will evaluate your vision, examine your eyes, and explain the procedure to you in detail.  From there, you will schedule the actual procedure.  Your doctor will discuss with you how long before your surgery you should cease to wear contact lenses or thick-lensed glasses.  On the day of your procedure, follow all of your provider’s pre-op instructions.  These instructions typically involve things such as not wearing eye makeup, eating only a light meal on the morning of the procedure, and dressing comfortably for your positioning on the LASIK procedure table.

At Laser Eye Center of Silicon Valley, we understand that choosing LASIK eye surgery is an important choice for our patients.  We offer a FREE consultation for LASIK, which can be scheduled on our website at

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