If you live outside of a city, there’s a good chance that you have a septic tank. People install septic tanks when there’s no sewer lines nearby. Frequently, homeowners don’t know a lot about septic tanks until they move into a house that has one.
A septic tank is a large, concrete or steel, tank that holds around 1,000 gallons. They are usually buried in the back yard. It’s surprising how many people don’t know where the septic tank is buried. Hopefully, the previous homeowner gave you a map, at closing.
The septic tank is full of clear water. Pipes from the house are connected to the tank. Waste-water flows from the house into the tank. The waste-water displaces the clear water that empties out of the tank into the drain field. The drain field is made up of gravel trenches filled with drain pipes. The pipes have tiny holes that send water back in the ground. From time to time, you’ll need Septic Tank Cleaning in Eustis, FL.
The septic tank has three layers:
The top layer is called the scum layer. Contains any material that floats to the top.
The middle layer is clear water that contains chemicals like nitrogen and phosphorus. The middle layer acts as fertilizer for the drain field.
The bottom layer is the sludge layer–contains all heavy materials that float to the bottom of the tank.
How do you know when it’s time to get the septic tank cleaned? There may be suspicious pools of water, in your yard, near the tank. Check whether the toilets flush properly. If the toilet flushes slowly, that may be an indication that your septic tank is getting full. Do the smell test – if you smell waste or strong odors, around or in the house, the septic tank may be backing up. It’s best to have Septic Tank Cleaning in Eustis, FL, pump the tank, every couple of years. Some plumbers recommend pouring 1 cup of active dry yeast down the commode every six months. Yeast maintains the balance of bacteria in the septic tank. The septic tank is your private sewer system, and we all need a sewer. Have the tank inspected and cleaned on a regular basis.
If you are looking for a septic tank cleaning service in Eustis, FL visit Website Domain they provide complete tank cleaning services.