4 Common Problems with Drink Dispensers (and How to Fix Them!)

by | Aug 27, 2014 | Business

Drink dispensers are generally easy to maintain and use. However, when something goes wrong with them, it may be difficult to figure out what it is. There are four common problems associated with a beverage dispenser, and so you should always try applying these easy solutions before calling the repairman.

Soda is Flat
If your soda has no fizz, then the mixture is too warm. Check to make sure your ice bin has enough ice. Even if some ice is present, it may not be enough. Fill the bin to the top with ice, wait thirty minutes, and then try the drink again. If the problem isn’t solved, you could have an issue with your carbonator, cold plate, or cooling system, in which case you will need a repairman.

Drink Tastes “Off”
When the taste of your beverage is affected, then your nozzle is likely dirty, or there could be mold growing inside the system. To clean the nozzles, turn them to the right and pull down to detach them. Soak them in soapy warm water. If they haven’t been cleaned in a while, use a rag or sponge to rub them down well. Some people use bleach to clean them, but if your nozzles are plastic (which they usually are), then the bleach can eat away at the plastic. Soap and warm water work just fine. Your nozzles should be cleaned regularly. Many restaurants soak them overnight, every night.

Frosted CO2 Tank
A frosted CO2 tank usually means that your syrup bag is empty or low. An empty or low bag can also cause the drink to taste strange, since it is not receiving enough flavor. To prevent the bags from getting too low, create a schedule for checking the bags and replacing them. Also consider putting your replacement bags in a visible location so that you are reminded to change them.

Drink is Coming Out Slower
If the pressure of your beverage dispenser is low, then the pump is not sucking enough water through the pipe. Try removing the hose from the syrup bag and placing it into a bucket of clean water. Press the lever on the beverage dispenser so that the clean water runs through the machine. If the bucket’s water level remains the same, then something is wrong with the pump. This will require a repairman, as repairing the pump can be a bit complex.

Browse Lancer’s wide selection when you need a beverage dispenser. You can view products at lancercorp.com or call 888-676-5196 for more information.

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