Most cultures have an age milestone when the young are officially declared ready for adulthood and marriage. Although times have changed and cultures do not adhere as closely to the standards of the past, the age milestones are still celebrated. A Quinceanera In Chicago, for example, is still celebrated by families of Latino descent when a daughter turns 15 years old. It is a special moment for her, and it is also a special moment for her family.
Here are three Quinceanera facts.
A Quinceanera is often celebrated by families of Latino descent. In the United States, Mexicans continue this tradition. Since Mexicans are a mixture of the Spanish conquistadors, Aztecs, and Mayans, it is believed that the celebration of a girl turning 15 years old stems from those cultures. The Aztecs, Mayans and the Spanish Conquistadors were big on rite-of-passage rituals, so a Quinceanera could very well come from those days.
Latino cultures also tend to be Roman Catholic, and there are religious elements involved in the Quinceanera celebration. Keeping in mind that this milestone marks a girl becoming a woman, the tie-in of religion makes sense. The day begins with mass where she is accompanied by her Godparents. The mass is attended by her family as well as friends. Then, the day is continued with a more informal celebration that gives her the opportunity to enjoy her 15th birthday before she is expected to start taking responsibility for her actions.
The Party
Cultures of Latino descent are among the most joyous, so the Quinceanera celebration is no exception. Often, a banquet hall is rented, a DJ is hired and there is plenty of food at the reception. A Quinceanera In Chicago should be memorable because she is about to embark on the rest of her life.