3 Pieces of Information that Your Divorce Lawyer in Brooklyn NY Needs to Know When It Comes to the Custody of the Kids

by | Dec 9, 2014 | Law Services

Divorce is never an easy predicament, and when children are involved it often gets a lot messier. There are many different scenarios that can play out when it comes to child custody in the event of a divorce, and it is important that you and your lawyer are on the same page. Whether the judge rules sole custody or joint custody, the rules all tend to remain similar, and there are a few things that your Divorce Lawyer in Brooklyn NY needs to know. Here are a few pieces of information that are important.

Who Will have Primary Care?
When it comes to divorce and child custody, judges have to determine what is best for the child. With sole custody and visitation, it is important to know who is going to be in charge of doctor’s appointments, school, and religious decisions. Specifically in sole custody, one parent will be taking primary care and responsibility for these areas.

What Will a Visitation Schedule Look Like?
With both joint custody and sole custody, there will be some form of a visitation schedule setup. Whether it is mainly for the one parent who does not have sole custody or for both parents in the event of joint, there will still be some form of this. Most frequently it is established for the every-other-weekend scenario, but many judges rule other arrangements.

What is the Child’s Preference?
Although a child’s preference is not often accepted, they do make a small impact. Usually, if the child is old enough to make a mature and decent decision (primarily ages 10 or so) then their opinion is highly considered. Siblings sometimes also play a part in determining where the child will go.

As you can see, divorce and child custody can be a sticky situation in a lot of areas. It is important for the parents to be open in communication, not only with each other but also with their child and their lawyer. Cooperating on decisions can help the court rulings to go a lot of smoother. If you and your spouse are getting divorced, consider making sure these piece of information are clearly communicated and agreed upon in order for your Divorce Lawyer in Brooklyn NY to help you out completely. Check out the Facebook page here.

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