Everybody knows termites love eating wood, but not many people know what a termite actually looks like. By the time you see an actual termite in your house, it may already be too late. To prevent these pests from literally eating you out of house and home, here are three early signs to look out for.
Early Warning Signs of a Termite Infestation
1. Unexplained Piles of “Sawdust”
These piles of sawdust are actually termite droppings, and they’re one of the first signs to appear if a colony has taken residence in your home. Typically, the termites will leave these droppings out in the open to keep their dens clean.
2. Stuck Windows or Doors
Upon gaining entry to your home, termites can immediately be attracted to the wood frames surrounding your windows and doors. The frames can become warped as they’re chewed up, resulting in doors and windows that get stuck often. If some of your windows and doors start getting stuck more than usual, consider getting a termite inspection in Fort Myers, FL.
3. Discarded Wings
At a certain point in their life cycle, termites will lose their wings. Because they live in colonies, many termites can begin shedding their wings at the same time. If you see a sudden influx of discarded insect wings, it may be a sign that there’s a termite colony living in your walls.
Get Professional Help
If you think you have termites, Florida Solutions Pest Control Services has the experience and knowledge to banish them for good. Contact them for a termite inspection in Fort Myers, FL, and let them handle the rest.