Month: April 2014

Personalized Lunchboxes Make Kids Feel Special

Make the first day of school extra special for your child by creating a personalized lunchbox to mark the occasion. Having a ‘cool’ lunchbox is more important in a child’s world than it may seem. It shows your little one exactly how much you care when you create their...

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Sod in Wichita Care and Maintenance

Sod in Wichita is a serious investment, and like all good investments, it needs proper care and maintenance. The first step is to know how to properly water your sod. While it is still new, your sod will need a lot of water. Be sure to water it within the first hour...

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To an Infinity Ring and Beyond

Infinity; the idea that something will go on forever—be infinite. We all like the idea of life being infinite, or time being a concept that carries on regardless, but in truth, everything we understand about life is finite. However, it doesn’t prevent us from wishing...

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