People who are eligible for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration sometimes wonder how to go about applying for those benefits. The process can be difficult for some, which is one of the reasons that it makes sense to seek help from a Social Security disability lawyer near Olympia. If either of the following apply, setting up a consultation with a lawyer is the only way to go.
The Application Process Seems Too Intimidating
One look at the application is all it takes for the individual to feel confused and unsure of what to do. It’s not a matter of being unable to supply all the information. The main problem is understanding how to answer the questions in a manner that’s complete and will likely satisfy the SSA. Instead of trying to deal with the application alone, it makes sense to get help from a disability lawyer. Someone who already understands the application and knows how to provide all the facts in the proper places improve the odds of everything going smoothly.
The Application Was Rejected
People who have applied for SSI benefits and been denied are not sure what to do next. Choosing to see a Social Security disability lawyer near Olympia is the best move. Application reviews often come to a halt once one issue is identified. There could easily be more issues that would lead to further rejections.
A lawyer can go over the document, spot what needs to be corrected, and submit the amended application. If the need arises, the lawyer can also represent the client at a hearing and speak with the review board directly. This could pave the way for receiving benefits and possibly being granted benefits that are retroactive to the date of the original application.