You may be familiar with the words that scroll across the bottom of the screen that you can turn on and off on your television. These words tell you what people are saying on the screen, as well as the other sounds that occur in the background. These are done through closed captioning services that transcribe any sounds on a video into words for people who need them. There are several different kinds of people who can benefit from this closed captioning.
Those who are completely deaf rely upon closed captioning to know what they are watching on television or any other video screen. Even if the person is able to read lips, this can be a difficult task when watching a movie or television show, specifically because you can’t always see the person who is talking. The use of closed captioning allows people who are deaf to be able to follow the story right along with everyone else.
If a person simply has a reduced level of hearing, high quality closed captioning services can be a benefit. While a person may be able to hear some of what is going on in the movie or television show, he can benefit from being able to read anything he can’t understand. This can help fill in the gaps so the person who is watching will be able to follow along just like everyone else.
Some people use the closed captioning on their television even if they can hear well. Using the words at the bottom of the screen works well if you are watching television at night, and you don’t want to disturb anyone else. This is a great option for couples who go to bed together, but one person stays up to watch TV, while the other person wants to go to sleep. It is a great compromise.
Most people think of people who can’t hear at all when they think of closed captioning services. However, even when people have difficulty hearing on various levels or simply don’t want to disturb someone else while they watch TV or a movie, closed captioning can be a useful tool. These services will allow anyone who can’t hear, has difficulty hearing or is trying to stay quiet to follow along with the progress of the show or movie by reading what is going on instead of listening to the words and sounds for themselves.
To learn more about the people who can benefit from using closed captioning services, visit