Do you struggle to cope with life issues on a daily basis? Maybe you are feeling lost and are seeking out assistance to get back on track? If you are dealing with these feelings you should consider EMDR therapy in Arlington Heights IL.
Conditions Helped by EMDR
This non-invasive form of therapy is suitable for people who deal with a range of conditions. Anxiety, phobias, trauma and depression can all be overcome when you participate in EMDR therapy in Arlington Heights IL. It is not just mental issues that can be handled with this form of therapy though, because it is also proven to help people who have suffered with childhood trauma, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, violent crimes, rape and post-traumatic stress. If you have very low self-esteem and want to improve your confidence when in public spaces you should definitely consider this form of therapy.
The EMDR Procedure
Unlike other types of therapy that focus on different themes and communications, EMDR therapy in Arlington Heights IL will focus on eye movements. As unusual as it may sound, this therapy is actually very effective. Bi-lateral stimulation, which involves the therapist guiding the eye movements of the client, is a technique used for EMDR and when done over time, the client will learn how to eliminate thoughts relating to bad experiences. Negative thoughts can be unleashed and the brain will make room for new, pleasant experiences after a few sessions.
Advantages and Supported Research
There are many advantages associated with EMDR therapy in Arlington Heights IL and this form of therapy is becoming widely recognized around the globe because of this. This technique is gentle and calming. Research has been conducted and this research states that individuals who have been through traumatic experiences will be able to find peace after undergoing EMDR therapy. Out of 14 controlled studies, 90 percent of the clients were able to throw away emotional distress and best of all, the results were long-term.
When you attend sessions for EMDR therapy in Arlington Heights IL you can expect to establish new friendships and overcome life obstacles. Typically, EMDR therapy will last for only a few weeks and by the end of the program you are guaranteed to notice a change in yourself, whether this is related to communications, relationship matters or social anxiety. To find out more about how this revolutionary therapy can help you, visit