The guilt of a working Mom

by | Feb 22, 2013 | Business

Becoming a mother is truly a wondrous thing;
you have created an actual tiny human being who breathes, moves, burps, and giggles.
However, it is a huge life changing experience that will forever alter when and how you work.

Work to live
Let’s be honest; the majority of us work to live, as opposed to live to work.  While it is greatly gratifying to hear of people who truly love what they do, in today’s ever more pressurized job market, it is becoming more of a rare occurrence.  While government and company legislation is keen to incorporate both maternity and paternity leave in an effort to encourage the proper staff to apply and the worthy staff to stay, what any amount of legislation and good will has put in place will not help or prepare you for guilt.

To work or not to work – that is the question
We are all individuals.  Some of us are born with workaholic tendencies.  Some of us are more than happy to do as little as possible.  Some are driven by the thought of a monthly wage slip, and for some of us the money we receive is just an added bonus to the fact we are making a difference by the work we perform.  Of course, as much as we differ in the respect of work choices, we also differ hugely in the financial income stakes.  If you can afford and desire to stay at home with your child and not receive income, then that is fine.  However if you want to stay at home with your child but would like to make a contribution to the household’s finances, then there are options out there for you.

The world is a big place
Let’s be honest; until we have to find alternatives, we truly have no idea what exists out there in the big world of opportunities.  While if you talk to mothers who have already taken steps to get back to work, they will undoubtedly tell you that it is not easy; however, easy is not the same as impossible.  Have you thought about freelancing or entering into a franchise that is kid- related?  Both of these options are ideal if you are disciplined enough to work from home without being distracted by the obvious; that is having a child who simply cannot relate to the fact you need to meet a deadline.  With franchises for kids and other home-based working schemes, moms can be provided a real alternative.

Franchises for kids offer one of the best business opportunities for stay-at-home moms who want to build a sustainable income, while not compromising quality time with the kids.

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