Solar Installers in New Jersey

by | Jul 13, 2012 | Science And Technology

You’ve decided to get solar panels installed on your house, and you have a solar installer coming to install them for you. A solar installer in New Jersey will know how to install panels on your house, but what else do they do? A solar installer in New Jersey is similar to a construction worker, but he is the one that puts solar panels on roofs and in other sunny places.

In solar panels, there are solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity, which in turn, turns your house into a solar-powered house. There are 3×5 foot flat-framed solar panels that are mounted onto your roof. There are also panels that solar installers in New Jersey can install in places other than on the roof. The key is that it must be accessible by the sun. Solar installers in New Jersey not only install panels on the roof, but they are also responsible for connecting the wires and bringing them down to the basement, garage, or an outside box to be hooked up to your home. The place that these wires go is called an inverter, which turns the currents from the solar panels into something called alternating currents, or AC. AC is what is used to power homes.

Every installation is created for each house. No install is the same. This is because it’s a one-of-a-kind install for each residential house. Why is this the case? Because solar installers in New Jersey have to take into consideration where your house is located, what kind of access to the sun you have, where the best place to put the panels is, and where the inverter needs to go. People that do this kind of work say that it’s important to be prepared for things to go wrong. That is something that homeowners need to accept. Not everything will go your way, especially when it comes to installing something like this.

Another thing to remember is that solar installers in New Jersey are a smaller percentage of all solar work. Over half are installed in California because of the amount of sun available. If you want solar installers in New Jersey to be on your roof installing panels but don’t have the money up front, tax credits and other government incentives might help you do so.

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