When you find you require , you may worry your face will never be the same again. Even though plastic surgery is meant to restore your face to how it once looked before your accident or surgery, these procedures often come with a risk of scarring. Before you undergo plastic surgery, it is important to talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have. After your surgery there are things you can do to minimize the risks of scars.
Wound Care
After the surgery, it is important to care for your wound properly to reduce the risks of scarring. If you are the type of person who likes to pick at scabs, you will have to fight hard not to do this once the bandages come off. Even before the bandage comes off, it is important to minimize the movement of the area to protect it as it heals. The use of antibiotics can also be an essential part to the healing process, helping to avoid scarring.
Add Collagen
Collagen is an essential element within the skin that provides it with its elasticity and healing properties. Therefore, your doctor may prescribe a cream that contains collagen to use in the area on which you had . This process typically begins after the stitches have been removed from the incision and it has progressed in the healing process. A good sunscreen is also important to prevent visible scarring.
Appearance of Scars
If you do develop scars in the area, that doesn’t mean you are stuck with the appearance of the scars. As soon as you notice there are signs of scarring in the area, it is time to begin applying creams that are specially designed to reduce the appearance of scars. If this doesn’t work, speak to your plastic surgeon about some of your other options, which can include laser resurfacing, steroid injections and even silicone gels.
When you undergo , one of your biggest concerns may be the appearance of scars. Few people go through plastic surgery only to be faced with scar tissue all over again. Therefore, it is important to prepare yourself so you can reduce your chances of developing scars. This includes following your doctor’s instructions for proper wound care, using a collagen product after the stitches are removed and talking to your doctor about how to reduce the signs of scars later.
To learn more about how to reduce the chances of scarring after, visit Domain.