Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney In Charlottesville

by | Aug 14, 2013 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Accidents happen all the time. If you’re hurt in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve compensation. You shouldn’t have to pay for any medical bills, or damages to your property. You should also be financially compensated if you have to miss work due to your injury. Of course, this money isn’t usually handed to you. You have to know how to get it. Personally dealing with the other person’s insurance company can have mixed results. The insurance adjuster works for them – not you. They may want you to feel as if they’re helping, when in turn they’re protecting themselves to lessen their liability to you. Your best course of action to protect yourself is to speak to a personal injury attorney in Charlottesville. The attorney will work to protect you and make sure that you make the best decisions for your specified needs, not just what the insurance adjuster for the other person tries to tell you is the right way to go.

It’s not difficult to hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Charlottesville. Most personal injury attorneys offer free consultations to potential clients. You will have a chance to fully explain your accident to the attorney and he’ll be able to give you his professional opinion as to how you should proceed. Make sure you’re 100% honest about the accident when you speak with him. Leaving out valuable or important information can alter the case, if it’s brought up later. It’s imperative that your attorney know every detail of the case. If you don’t feel you can speak freely to him, find another attorney. You’ll be working closely together for the duration of the case and it’s important you can be open and honest.

Understand the financial considerations before you hire any personal injury attorney in Charlottesville. Most work on a simple contingency basis. That means you pay nothing upfront. You only pay an agreed upon percentage when your case is settled and you receive your check. The amount owed the attorney will be taken off before your check is issued. Make sure you understand this fully, so you aren’t surprised when you receive your settlement check.

Fighting a personal injury case without a Personal Injury Attorney in Charlottesville on your side is almost impossible. Your attorney is well versed in dealing with clients such as these on a daily basis. They’ll work to get you all you deserve.

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