Different Types Of Air Conditioning

by | Apr 26, 2013 | Heating and Air Conditioning

When the issue of air conditioning types is discussed, terms are used that may be confusing to some. Terms such as window, split, portable, central, ductless, etc., are in themselves not confusing words, it is the application that may be confusing. This article will discuss the various types of AC in Chicago.

Cooling system types:

A home with central air conditioning will probably not have any other type; however, homes that are not cooled by a central system may have air conditioners of different types. There may be units stuck through windows or holes in a wall, units with half the apparatus inside and the other half outside, and portable units than can be roiled from place to place. Regardless; all AC in Chicago works on the same principle; every air conditioner has five basic building blocks; the refrigerant, the compressor, condenser, evaporator coil and expansion valve. The common types of air-conditioning systems are:

Window unit:

A window unit is technically a unitary air conditioner. The entire unit is self contained, delivered in a package which, other than for the power cord, is fitted entirely in a window or through a hole in the wall. A unitary system has everything it needs to function in one very compact box. The heat is ejected outside, and the cold air is sent into the interior space, the room.

Portable unit:

This is another version of a unitary air conditioner. A portable unit consists of an air-conditioning unit, normally installed a rolling cabinet. The cabinet can be placed in any room on the floor, and the exhaust heat is dispatched to the outside via a hose which is usually vented out a window or purpose made hole in the wall. Portable units are usually reserved for use in rooms that do not warrant a more permanent installation, perhaps a guest room that sees infrequent use.

Split unit:

A ductless system is technically a “packaged terminal air conditioner.” These units have been in use for many years in hotels and apartment buildings, but they are now becoming more common in single-family homes. The air conditioner is broken into two modules, connected by tubing, which passes through the wall.

The condenser is half of the system; it is mounted outdoors. The condenser includes a compressor, the condenser and a fan. The other half of the unit is mounted on a wall indoors; this half is called the evaporator. The evaporator handles the cooling and distribution. The indoor unit contains the evaporator coil, the expansion valve and fan.

Central system:

Central AC Chicago area is the top of the line solution for whole home cooling. The unit is quiet, performs well and is efficient. Central air conditioning must be sized right, or it will either fail in cooling performance if it is too small, or fail in dehumidifying if it is too large.

The central system is similar to a split type, with equipment both indoors and outdoors; the difference is that the cool air is distributed through the whole house by ducting.

AC in Chicago can be supplied and installed by the experts at ELM Heating & Cooling. The team offer 24 hour residential air conditioning service including repair, maintenance and installation.

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